Our 10 Top Tips For Employee Engagement

Our 10 Top Tips For Employee Engagement

A good level of employee engagement is key to growing a successful and sustainable business. And because it builds on the same traits as engagement in the personal sense, it can seem daunting. Companies often don’t have experience in communicating, caring and being supportive of staff. But we know how important it is from experience with businesses in the UK and abroad, so we’ve collected our 10 top tips for employee engagement.

If you don’t acknowledge and deal with workplace problems and frustrations, you face the costs of high staff turnover. Or putting up with disengaged and less productive employees draining money and resources.

Fortunately you can benefit from our wealth of experience managing engagement processes across the UK and internationally.

10 Tips For Employee Engagement

  1. Engagement isn’t just the right thing to do. It’s directly linked to your bottom line as a disengaged employee will drain a third of your payroll bill.
  2. You need to understand who is affected by gauging your company culture independently.
  3. While surveys help to reach large numbers of employees in huge organisations, you’ll get more qualitative feedback by running independent focus groups.
  4. Be brave and ask the questions most companies would sweep under the carpet. Get feedback on the leadership team, wages and benefits, and other important contentious issues. It will be worth it for the information you’ll get back.
  5. Ask staff to prioritise the challenges they’ve identified. It will leave you with a more manageable list of actions to deliver, and a better understanding of the order that will give quicker results.
  6. Involve employees in suggesting answers, and providing the support you need to implement solutions.
  7. Communicate clearly and regularly, throughout the process. Acknowledge the feedback and communicate fixes as they happen. Make solid commitments to your staff to rid the sources of frustrations from work as much as possible.
  8. Stop wasting time holding exit interviews. By running engagement sessions you will understand why people will leave in the future, and hopefully prevent your highest performers from going in the first place.
  9. Have a plan to be able to respond to the feedback priorities, and deliver solutions to them in a reasonable timescale.
  10. Don’t see engagement as a start-and-stop process. Introduce a cycle of annual engagement measurement and feedback. Continual evaluation and improvement keeps your team engaged and retained for the long term.


Need Support to Audit, Evaluate and Deliver Employee Engagement?

If our top tips for employee engagement have inspired you, we can help you to deliver the business and commercial results you need.
With UK and global experience in creating award-winning cultures in companies ranging from SMEs to global corporations, Hunter Adams can provide support and guidance at every stage of the employee engagement process. And we’ve already tackled some of the most serious organisational challenges imaginable. So there’s a wealth of experience to draw from. If you’d like to improve your employee engagement, please get in touch.