Career Coaching During Transitions

Career coaching services from Hunter Adams are a win-win proposition, with coaching increasingly being recognised as a key tool to support individuals during a period of career transition.

Career Coaching During Transitions

Career coaching services from Hunter Adams are a win-win proposition, with coaching increasingly being recognised as a key tool to support individuals during a period of career transition.

Tailored Solutions

People enter career transition with vastly different experiences, objectives and emotions about the change they are facing. A coaching approach to supporting them is truly tailored to the individual, allowing them to set the agenda and establish what the coaching journey will look like to achieve the most value for them.

Tailored Solutions

People enter career transition with vastly different experiences, objectives and emotions about the change they are facing. A coaching approach to supporting them is truly tailored to the individual, allowing them to set the agenda and establish what the coaching journey will look like to achieve the most value for them.

Our Support Packages

We offer three hour long coaching sessions which will help the individual to:

  • 👉 – Establish professional goals and make career decisions
  • 👉 – Explore issues facing their career transition, and identify effective next steps
  • 👉 – Develop their self awareness which can help manage emotions and improve motivation
  • 👉 – Develop an action plan which is uniquely tailored to their ambitions and circumstances
  • 👉 – Take practical steps to review their CV and Profile
  • 👉 – Effectively prepare for interviews

Our Support Packages

We offer three hour long coaching sessions which will help the individual to:

  • 👉 – Establish professional goals and make career decisions
  • 👉 – Explore issues facing their career transition, and identify effective next steps
  • 👉 – Develop their self awareness which can help manage emotions and improve motivation
  • 👉 – Develop an action plan which is uniquely tailored to their ambitions and circumstances
  • 👉 – Take practical steps to review their CV and Profile
  • 👉 – Effectively prepare for interviews

Our Expertise

Our Career Transition coaching is delivered by Eilidh Robertson, our Head of Executive Search.

Eilidh has worked in Recruitment for over 25 years with FTSE100/Fortune500, boutique recruitment businesses and in internal HR and Talent Acquisition roles. Eilidh has supported hundreds of individuals with their career searches and is seen as a trusted advisor by our clients, known for her supportive and empathetic style. Eilidh is also able to provide valuable practical insights due to her exceptional understanding of recruitment processes and extensive professional network.

Eilidh has a Certificate in Career Coaching Practice accredited by the International Coaching Federation. She brings a unique blend of coaching and practical career management advice to help individuals understand their authentic vocation, and supporting them to take action.

Our Expertise

Our Career Transition coaching is delivered by Eilidh Robertson, our Head of Executive Search.

Eilidh has worked in Recruitment for over 25 years with FTSE100/Fortune500, boutique recruitment businesses and in internal HR and Talent Acquisition roles. Eilidh has supported hundreds of individuals with their career searches and is seen as a trusted advisor by our clients, known for her supportive and empathetic style. Eilidh is also able to provide valuable practical insights due to her exceptional understanding of recruitment processes and extensive professional network.

Eilidh has a Certificate in Career Coaching Practice accredited by the International Coaching Federation. She brings a unique blend of coaching and practical career management advice to help individuals understand their authentic vocation, and supporting them to take action.

Benefits for Organisations

  • ✅ – Provides a positive perception of how you treat your employees
  • ✅ – Helps retain your organisation’s reputation as an ‘Employer of Choice’
  • ✅ – Improves productivity, motivation and morale during a difficult period of change
  • ✅ – Also improves engagement with colleagues who remain in the organisation and aren’t facing career transition
  • ✅ – Saves valuable management time and complete objectivity through external support

Benefits for Organisations

  • ✅ – Provides a positive perception of how you treat your employees
  • ✅ – Helps retain your organisation’s reputation as an ‘Employer of Choice’
  • ✅ – Improves productivity, motivation and morale during a difficult period of change
  • ✅ – Also improves engagement with colleagues who remain in the organisation and aren’t facing career transition
  • ✅ – Saves valuable management time and complete objectivity through external support

Benefits for Individuals

  • ✅ – Ensures a tailored individual approach which helps the individual think about their career goals and ambitions
  • ✅ – Gives the individual the opportunity to reflect on their career, research and explore new opportunities and identify personal actions to help them move forward
  • ✅ – A solutions-focused approach provides the individual with the relevant tools and techniques to approach the market successfully
  • ✅ – Helps to support individual self-confidence and self-esteem throughout a major period of change
  • ✅ – Enables an employee to transition to a new role quicker by providing them with current CV writing, interview/assessment skills and job search tools
  • ✅ – Provides access to new and wider networks

Benefits for Individuals

  • ✅ – Ensures a tailored individual approach which helps the individual think about their career goals and ambitions
  • ✅ – Gives the individual the opportunity to reflect on their career, research and explore new opportunities and identify personal actions to help them move forward
  • ✅ – A solutions-focused approach provides the individual with the relevant tools and techniques to approach the market successfully
  • ✅ – Helps to support individual self-confidence and self-esteem throughout a major period of change
  • ✅ – Enables an employee to transition to a new role quicker by providing them with current CV writing, interview/assessment skills and job search tools
  • ✅ – Provides access to new and wider networks