How HR is Related to Organisational Development

organisational development

Organisational development, or OD, is a buzzword that is currently popular in large companies. It brings together a company’s overall objectives and makes sure that all departments and staff members and working together towards a common goal. Organisational development is essentially about people, which is why it works so closely alongside the HR part of the business.

A good HR department embraces organisational development, and can have an influence on the rest of the business. The HR function is in a perfect position to contribute to organisational effectiveness and business strategy – if the business owner allows it. For too long now, HR has been seen as an irrelevant department which spends too much time on admin. It’s time for the HR function to prove just how useful it can be for businesses, as it can help with strategies for growth and achieving business goals. Here’s just a few ways HR is related to organisational development.

Identify and re-organise talent

HR professionals are experts in talent. They can help procure and recruit the best talent in your industry, and retain them for a long period of time using a variety of techniques.  However, you could be using the expertise of the HR team in another way. How does talent move through the ranks in your company? Let the HR staff in on your organisation structure and they can improve its effectiveness. They’ll be able to identify talent within the company and suggest new roles where staff may be most beneficial.


Ongoing training and support is a vital part of creating a nurturing and inclusive company. The organisational structure and HR strategy will partly rely on compulsory training and supporting personal development. Management training and executive coaching can play a huge role in improving inner processes and procedures to support business growth.

Performance management

Another key factor in organisational development is adapting to changing markets and making sure you always have the best person for the job. The performance of important staff members needs managing and developing, in order to always get the best out of employees. HR professionals can use their skills in performance management, talent management and retaining staff to ensure a company is always getting the best from its people.

Do you want to find out more about Hunter Adams and how its HR services can support and grow your business? We can help in more areas than organisational development. Chat to us.