Why use Hunter Adams as your HR department?

A lot of the time when people think about outsourcing their HR, they assume they’ll be bound to a provider with a lengthy contract and a monthly retainer – where they are essentially at risk of paying for a service whether they need to use it or not.

But forget everything you thought you knew, because at Hunter Adams we work a bit differently –

  • We don’t make our clients sign binding contracts
  • We don’t tie them in to working with us for any set length of time
  • We don’t charge a monthly retainer
  • We don’t have a minimum monthly charge

All we ask is that our clients pre-pay for a “bank of hours”, which they can then use as and when they need to at any point in future. Once their bank of hours depletes, they then top it up again to cover the cost of future HR support, and this cycle continues. The value to the client of pre-paying the bank of hours is that they receive around 40% discount on our hourly rates as an SME or charity. They then do not receive monthly invoices and can budget for their HR.

Our clients work with us because they want to. We’re easy to work with, and we seriously know our stuff where HR and employment law is concerned. We’ll take time to understand your circumstances and get you to where you need to be, the right way. We’ll give you clear and straight advice which is people-focused, but also with commerciality in mind.

We can essentially act as a pay-as-you-use HR provider, becoming as involved as you need us to depending on the situations you find yourself in. For example, there might be a period of time where you’re speaking to us daily; but on the flip side, there might be months where you don’t need us at all. That’s all fine by us – we’re here to support you as and when required.

For further information on outsourcing your HR to Hunter Adams contact our Hunter 100 team on h100@hunteradams.co.uk