Download our new white paper, Trends in Employee Engagement

When employees are truly engaged, they are committed to and invested in the company’s goals and motivated to contribute to its success. But recent data from Gallup tells us that only 11% of UK employees are actively engaged in their jobs, leaving 89% either not engaged or actively disengaged.

With this alarming statistic in mind, we recently compiled a white paper on trends in employee engagement, providing a handy compact reference guide for any company who wants to gauge and improve engagement in their organisation.

Download our new white paper, Trends in Employee Engagement

When employees are truly engaged, they are committed to and invested in the company’s goals and motivated to contribute to its success. But recent data from Gallup tells us that only 11% of UK employees are actively engaged in their jobs, leaving 89% either not engaged or actively disengaged.

With this alarming statistic in mind, we recently compiled a white paper on trends in employee engagement, providing a handy compact reference guide for any company who wants to gauge and improve engagement in their organisation.